Cocoa Beach Reunion
List of Attendees:
Stephanie Vaughn
Bitsy (Gavin) & Harry Edwards

Franklyn & Donna Lee
Butch & Barbara Ray
Bert and Jo Jo (Turpin) Hentschel
Tina (Turpin) & Andy Kurczewski
Harry and Connie Heflin
Bob Bahr
Diane Denmark
Mary Lee Kettly
David and Vlasta Ellerman
Clayne and Sharon Leitner
Johnny & Susan Sager
Josie Horn Waggoner & Rod Lee
Derwood & Kathleen Biles
Karel (Ray) Van Gelder
Jill Pando
Barry & Nancy Yankolonis
Dave Johnson
Frank and Peggy Scarpace
Ed & Ellen Scarpace
Jim & Sharon Miletich
Jim Finley
Sharon Mercurio & Gill
Leslie (Bentley) Horner & Barry Horner
Bob & Pam Derfus
Sue & Dub Wright
John Hoffman
Vickie & Jack Berstrom
George & Diane Parton
Class of '62 Anniversary Reunion
Dancing at Oh SHUCKS on the pier
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