The 2007 GHT Reunion proved to be
another success !
GHT Reunion 2007
Dallas, Texas
Dallas was selected as the venue for the 2007 GHT Reunion and our hosts were Al Day and Bert Hentschel. Both worked hard to put together accommodations with reasonable rates and amenities that suited our reunion needs. Bert and Al selected the Holiday Inn (Select) for our festivities and also planned some interesting events for us while we shared memories and re-lived those high school years again.
Nothing re-caps the events of a reunion better than pictures. What better way to capture the emotions and activities ... Pictures
say it all ! Enjoy the slideslow below.
We look forward to seeing our alumni classmates once again this year in Maine and we pledge that this year's reunion will meet your expectations as past reunions have.
See you soon!
Your Reunion Coodinators
Bert Hentchel
JoJo Hentchel
Harry Heflin
Derwood Biles
Kathleen Biles
David Ellerman
Vlasta Ellerman
Pat Spencer
Elda Eckles
Tony Adamo
Suzanne Adamo
Robert (Bob) Bahr
Alfred Day
Linda Day
Diane Denmark
John Franz
John's Spouce (?)
Sue Wright
Dub Wright
Jane (Tester) Polm
Barbara Sherrill
Joe Sherrill
Dana (Canter) Margolis
Gus Cummings
Franklyn Lee
Peter Hobiger
Jim Miletich
Sharon Miletich
Bitys Edwards
Harry Edwards
Drake Wells
George Parton
Marylee Kettly
Byron Willams
Gloria (Harris) Sartogo
Marian Curry
Terry (Hollowell) DiVito
Sharon Mercurio
List of Attendees for Dallas 2007 Reunion
Class Year

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If I missed your name, let me know
Slideshow - 2007 GHT Reunion
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Yeehaaaaw! Dallas was the latest reunion spot. We had wonderful weather and couldn’t have asked for better. But come Monday it changed but most of us were headed home by then. Bert and Al had every thing set up and planned.
The majority of the folks showed up Thursday, and we started off with chili dogs and Frito pies (must be a Texas thing some of the folks had no idea what they were (chili, Fritos, cheese and onions). Since we drove I had ALL the albums with all the reunion pictures. We started plotting our houses on a map of Triennia. It was great to see Gus Cummings who didn’t know he was lost until Nancy Drew and Sue “found” him.
Friday, the rest of the folks trickled in. There was a tearful reunion with the gals of 63 who hadn’t seen each other in 47 years. Marylee and Terry still had a portion of the dollar bill. Marian Curry had some pictures of thinner and younger group. We had made a pact in 1960 to meet at the empire state building at midnight New Year’s Eve 1969 (we must have just seen “An affair to Remember)”. Gloria Harris Sc—was so happy to be back in America and reconnecting with girlfriends. Drake came in with beautiful flowers and coffee from Hawaii. Mike Hunter’s brothers, Scott and Brent, were there and Derwood had some very touching words in memory of our dear friend Mike Hunter whose presence was felt and missed. Scott and Brent had some wonderful pictures of Mike Hunter.
Our meeting was held poolside and plans were made for Saturday. Cold cuts, antipasto and chocolate cake (in our school colors) were served. George Parton had a great slide show of Maine. He will be hosting our next reunion there in Oct. 2008.
Our official photographer, Vlasta Ellerman, rounded everyone up Saturday morning. Group pictures were taken at pool side by Vlasta. Afterwards we arranged car pools to go over to Neely Plaza and the Sixth Floor Depository.
Later we enjoyed a great Italian lunch at the Spaghetti Warehouse with some of the locals driving in to join us. Then we were back to the Holiday Inn for naps and more visiting. Dana Canter Margolis and husband Sonny showed us some Texas hospitality and had us over to her beautiful home for pizza and wine.
Sunday some of the folks started heading home. Barbara and Joe Sherrill turned out the lights once again as the reunion came to a close.
JoJo (Turpin) Hentschel (Class of '64)
Click on picture to enlarge.
The class of 1961 had the greatest turn out with 8 attendees