Now that the reunion and the holidays are over…let’s talk Italy 2017.

It is time to head back to where our hearts yearn to go…ITALY. Here is what we have planned for you. 

Seven glorious nights in Montecatini. And best of all, Lynn Maloni, the tour guide we had in 2012, will be escorting us again. 

And for those that have a desire to see Venice once again, we have an optional extension that I am sure you will love. We take the train from Florence to Venice and stay in a hotel on the Grand Canal. 

Attached is the detailed itinerary and link to sign up directly with Gate1 Travel. (This is the agency that rescued us on the tour in 2012 and did a phenomenal job as well.) The link is at the end of the information and you may have to copy and paste the link into your browser.

We booked the same hotel we stayed at in 2012. And for those that enjoyed the food and service so much, Juan Franco is scheduled to return as well. No guarantee but his heart wants to be there.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. The link to sign is highlighted below

If you do NOT want receive emails regarding this trip, please just Karel and I will delete your name from the list. And if you know of anyone NOT on the list that would like to be included, please let me know as well.

We hope to have a full bus which will bring the cost down some. We will only have ONE bus, so if you plan to go, sign up early. Please read all the information in the documents that follow.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you…and enjoying our “home away from home” once again.


Karel Van Gelder
Class of ‘59

561.622.3831 Home
407.446.4564 Cell

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fun-filled adventure
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A short video from our 2012 Italy trip to the Tuscany region
Van Gelder Italy Group link (for Montecatini only

Van Gelder Italy Group with Venice Extension link

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Italy Trip Itinerary Detail & Cost Information